Site Map for
Overall outline of website
(Names of individuals and outfits listed below box)
Home page and
history of the 93rd
Bob Conner's Diary, Letters, photos, memorabilia
Memoirs and
common experiences of the 93rd
Recruitment and training experienced by the 93rd and other
Banika: history, significance, and other outfits who served in the Russells
Samar: San Antonio/Guiuan
attempted base at San Antonio and move to Guiuan,
Islands: History and significance of the Green Islands in WWII, other
outfits that served on or were connected with the green Islands,
Rabaul: the target: life during and after the war, and the outcome of the
“stranded” Japanese.
Post-WWII Nissan/Nehan)
Seabees Reunion
Museums, other Seabee battalions, Seabee and WWII not directly related to
the 93rd and its bases,
Seabees 93 Home Page
History of the 93rd Seabees
Cruisebook (Album) on CD
Video/DVD of 93rd
Battalion Roster
Other WWII Seabee Battalions
Longer history of the 93rd Seabees
Contact Information Webmaster
Bob Conner's Diary and Letters
Oral History: Nimitz Museum, Fredericksburg, TX
Bob's Code Map and Letters
Bob's Fall 1943 War Map
Camp Endicott introduction,
NCB Rating Book,
Battle of Leyte Gulf,
Pidjin 4 Seabees
Lib Conner on Pearl Harbor and 9/11: Greensboro Daily News and Record, Dec. 2,
Memoirs of the 93rd Seabees
Cobb, Albert (Al):
Collins, Harold (Bud): Oral History: Nimitz Museum of The Pacific War
Curtis, Charles Lawrence: Bud Collins remembers his death
Dinlocker, Charles A.: Battalion artist:
Fay, James C.: close friend of Bob Conner:
Kriese, Ralph E.: photos
LYNN, COMMANDER HAROLD F. ; 93rd NCB Papers: at Hoover Institute
Lindberg, Sam: Photos: from his son, Gary Lindberg
Marchetti, Marco: Three interviews with (Bedford, IN) TIMES-MAIL
Nemoede, Hans Albert: Architect and close friend of Bob Conner
Pegors, Serenus C.: Reunion with son in Pacific
Robinson, Donald Lee: Memento found in Samar, please contact webmaster
Stevens, Jack: Photos and section from Conner Diary
Thomas, John Scott: Artist Portfolio of scenes of life in the 93rd
Thomas, Richard: stories from his son, Rick
Watson, Warren: Photos and memorabilia from his daughters.
Wingen, Ernest W.: Oral Histories at Nimitz Museum of the Pacific War and SD WWII project
Zorn, Jr., Andrew: Died on Green Island: Grave in Sam Lindberg photos
US Archives Photos:Ninety-Third Seabees on Nissan Island:
The 93rd Seabees Land in Green Islands and on The New York Times Magazine Cover
Chapel-by-The-Sea, Guiuan,
Noumea (Nickel Harbor) Explosion (Nov. 1, 1943):
Mystery of the Officers' Liquor: Cape Johnson and Commander L.C. Farley
Crime and Punishment in the 93rd
Washing Machine Charlie
SHIPS transporting the 93rd Seabees: Perida,
LST 220, Cape Johnson, Middlemas, Arthur Middleton
Seabees Recruitment and Training Camps
Camps Peary, Endicott, Parks, and Rousseau: Recruitment posters, Post cards, Introduction booklets,
Newspapers, Bluejacket's Manual, Survival foods,
Color-blind sailors
Banika, Russell (or Russel) Islands
93rd Seabees' MAPS of Banika
Capture and purpose
of the Russells
Doctor on Banika: Fred Krock, MD, U.S. Naval Reserve general surgeon:
6th Special NCB: stevedoring: Section 2 attached to 4th Marine Advanced Depot
9th Special Naval Construction Battalion
13th AAF:Helen Hunter Weant, Flight Nurse, 801st
Med. Evac. Squad
San Antonio, Samar
Natives remember the Seabees
Guiuan, Samar: Navy Base 3149
Reconnoitering Guiuan: Article from SEABEE
BATTLE OF LEYTE GULF: James C. Montgomery and Franklin B. Montgomery
SeaBee and New York TIMES:
End of war editions: Seabee Battalion histories
6th Special Seabees: Frank Jardin, John Ratomski, John Esposito
64th Seabees:
75th Seabees
13th Army Air Force: (The Jungle Air Force)
Helen Weant, Flight Nurse, Eloise Richardson
Thank God They Sent a Nurse, by Morris Markey
Guiuan Today
Guiuan Seabees and their Chapel By The Sea which was destroyed by Typhoon Agnes
Green (Nissan) Island
93rd NCB Map of Green Islands Facilities: April 1944
Maps and arial views
Code map and letters: Bob Conner, 93rd Seabees
Green Island in WWII, 6th Edition by Milton Bush, Jr.
Reduction of Rabaul: Strategy and destiny
PATSU: Milton Bush, Sr. Green Island
in WWII, 6th Edition by Milton Bush, Jr.
SCAT: FL "First Plane
to land on Green island," Lt. Richard Nixon
6th Special Seabees
9th Special Seabees, Platoon C (stevedores)
552nd Seabee Maintenance Unit (CBMU) Tom Taylor,
553rd Seabee Maintenance Unit (CBMU) John Loring Gould:
VPB-53: Fred Henning
VP101/VPB-29: Larry Katz::
PT RON 10: Earl Richmond; PT 108
PT RON 11: Jan. 31 reconnaissance and Landing Day
PT RON 19: C .J. Willis, Robert Ankers, William Raney
PT RON 28: Nicknames of boats:
PT Tender boats/A-frames
USS Cape Johnson (AP 172) troop ship, Commander L. C. Farley
USS Cassiopeia: David A. Friederich
USS Middlemas: freighter: boarded equipment 93rd Seabees for
removal to Leyte
USS Rochamborn: Micky Flynn transferred from Cassiopeia (AK-75)
LST-220: First echelon of 93rd NCB on Landing Day
VMSB 341: Melvin Clark:
VMB-423: Ted Rundall: Collected memoirs of Squadron:
VMB-433: Bill Parks
13th Army Air Force: Heavy bombers
13th AAF, 801st Medical.Evacuation Squadron, Flight Nurse Helen Hunter Weant
Post war Green Islands-Nehan-Nissan
Fr. George Lepping, SM: Parish priest on Nissan Island
Sr. Sharon Becker, CSJ: Health Center
Fr. Duffy, SM: Priest
David and Laura Bond: Peace Corps volunteers