Cards and Programs from the 93rd Seabees
93rd anniversary
93rd Christmas card 1
93rd Christmas card 2
93rd Christmas card back
93rd Insignia_Battalion-man
93rd NCB_Mexican Hayride
93rd NCB_Mexican hayride play
93rd Suckers for Bobs Endicott Liberty trap
BANICA-V-alentine 1943
Banika-Thanksgiving 1943
Bees eye view of CA
California_ Orson Wells Program
Endicott Chow Mess
Endicott Postcard
Green Island-Bobs Protoplasm Joe
Kiwi program cover
Kiwi program inside
Samar Christmas card
Samar Christmas Greeting
SAMAR_Chapel by the Sea Dedication
Samar_Chapel by theSea Program
Seabees emblem
ugli victors
USS Middleton arr Portland Top
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